How to Use Sources

This guide explains how to connect and manage various data sources for training your chatbot.

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of connecting and managing various data sources to effectively train your chatbot.

Step 1: Uploading Files

  1. Dashboard Navigation: Start by navigating to the "Sources" section in your AskSpot dashboard.

  2. Supported File Types: The platform supports multiple file types, including PDF, DOCX, and TXT.

  3. Upload Process: Click on "Upload Files," select your file, and upload it. The file will be processed within a few seconds.

  4. File Activation: Once processed, the file will be added to your chatbot's resources, making it active and ready for use.

Step 2: Webpage Scanning

  1. Adding a Webpage: In the "Sources" section, select "Add Webpage" and enter the URL of the webpage you want to scan.

  2. Crawling and Downloading Content: The chatbot will crawl the webpage and download the content for its training data.

  3. Fetching More Links: You have the option to fetch additional links from the same domain. This allows you to select and include multiple pages, with a maximum of 10 URLs.

  4. Updating and Auto-Syncing: Enable auto-sync to automatically update the chatbot with the latest data from the website at intervals you choose (daily, weekly, etc.).

Step 3: Q&A

  1. Adding Q&A Pairs: Navigate to the Q&A section and click "Add New." Input your common questions and corresponding answers.

  2. Updating Q&A: If you need to modify an existing Q&A pair, click "Update Resource" and make your changes. This ensures your chatbot stays current with the latest information.

Step 4: Text

  1. Custom Text Input: Use the "Add Text" option to input custom text that your chatbot can use. This is ideal for providing specific information or handling unique queries.

  2. Managing Text Data: Once added, the text data will be processed and categorized as content. You can update this data anytime by selecting "Update Source Data."

Step 5: Integrations with Google Sheets and Google Docs

  1. Connecting Google Sheets: To integrate Google Sheets, enter the URL of the sheet you want to use. Ensure the sheet is shared with the specified Gmail account.

  2. Importing Data: Share the Google Sheet with the provided Gmail account, copy the link, and save it in AskSpot. The data from the sheet will be fetched and added to your chatbot's training data.

  3. Managing Integrations: The same process applies to integrating Google Docs. Ensure the document is shared correctly and then import it into AskSpot.

    You can manage your data sources more effectively by adding tags. This helps in organizing and retrieving data efficiently. Watch the video tutorial here.

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