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Quick Tip: How to Utilize the Structured Data Bot

This feature is designed to improve user experience and provide more accurate responses for specific uses. Let’s dive right in and explore what’s new.

Chatbot Comparison: QA vs. Structured Data

When choosing the right chatbot for your needs, understanding the differences between a QA (Question-Answering) Chatbot and a Structured Data Bot (SDB) is crucial. Each type of bot serves unique purposes and excels in different scenarios. Below, we explore the key features and use cases of both types of chatbots.

QA Chatbot

A QA Chatbot efficiently retrieves information from extensive datasets, providing precise answers to specific queries. This type of chatbot is designed to handle large volumes of data and deliver accurate information quickly, making it ideal for scenarios where users have direct questions and expect direct answers.

Key Features:

  • Efficient Information Lookup: Quickly searches through vast amounts of data to find relevant information.

  • Handles Large Volumes of Data: Capable of processing and managing extensive datasets without compromising performance.

  • Optimal for Q&A Interactions: Designed to provide precise and concise answers to user queries.

Use Case Example:

  • Customer Support Chatbot for Product Inquiries: A QA chatbot can be used in customer support to answer specific questions about products, services, or company policies. It ensures that customers receive quick and accurate information, enhancing their overall experience.

Structured Data Bot (SDB)

A Structured Data Bot maintains continuous access to a complete dataset, which is crucial for interactive and context-dependent applications. Unlike QA chatbots, SDBs are designed to engage in ongoing interactions, where context and continuity are essential.

Key Features:

  • Constant Access to Entire Dataset: Always has access to the complete dataset, ensuring that it can provide accurate and contextually relevant responses.

  • Suitable for Interactive Scenarios: Ideal for applications that require continuous interaction with the user, maintaining context throughout the conversation.

  • Maintains Context Throughout Interactions: Keeps track of previous interactions to provide coherent and contextually appropriate responses.

Use Case Example:

  • Interactive Game Bots, Quiz Assistance, MCQ Helpers: Structured data bots are perfect for interactive applications like game bots, where maintaining the flow of the game is essential. They can also assist with quizzes or multiple-choice questions, providing hints and tracking progress.

Creation of Structured Data Bot (SDB) Chatbot

Creating a Structured Data Bot (SDB) chatbot involves a few straightforward steps. Follow this guide to set up your SDB chatbot efficiently:

Step 1: Navigate to the Create Chatbot Button

Start by logging into your dashboard and locating the "Create Chatbot" button. Click on it to begin the process.

Step 2: Select the Chatbot Type

In the chatbot creation interface, find the "Chatbot Type" dropdown menu. Change the selection from "Question Answer" to "Structured Data Bot."

Step 3: Input the Name of the Bot

Enter a name for your new chatbot in the designated field. This name will help you identify and manage your bot later.

Step 4: Input Your Source

You need to upload a CSV file as the data source for your SDB chatbot. Keep the following points in mind:

  • Single CSV File: The SDB can only take one CSV file at a time. Uploading a new file will overwrite the existing one.

  • Character Limit: The CSV file should not exceed 30,000 characters.

Step 5: Configure Additional Settings

Although the bot type has changed, the setup process for additional settings remains the same as other chatbot types. You can still configure the following:

  • AI Temperature: Adjust the temperature setting to control the creativity and variability of the responses.

  • AI Model: Select the AI model that best suits your needs.

  • System Prompt: Input the system prompt to guide the chatbot’s behavior and responses.


Choosing between a QA Chatbot and a Structured Data Bot (SDB) depends on your specific needs and the nature of the interactions you aim to support. QA Chatbots provide quick and precise answers to specific queries, making them ideal for customer support and information retrieval. Structured Data Bots excel in interactive scenarios requiring context and continuity, making them perfect for games, quizzes, and continuous learning applications.

Understanding the strengths and use cases of each type of chatbot helps you make an informed decision and select the one that best aligns with your requirements. By following the steps, you can successfully create and configure your Structured Data Bot (SDB) chatbot. Ensure your CSV file meets the requirements, and use the configurable settings to tailor the bot's responses. If you need further assistance, consult the tutorial video or contact support from your dashboard. This way, you can fully leverage your chatbot for efficient information retrieval or engaging interactive experiences.

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