All Categories Getting Started With AskSpot How to Share Your AskSpot ChatBot

How to Share Your AskSpot ChatBot

Here's a guide on how you can share your AskSpot bot across various platforms.

Access the Embed Code

  1. Navigate to the Setup Page: Go to your AskSpotBot's setup page.

  2. Click the Code Button: In the upper right-hand corner, find and click the “Code” button to open the sharing options modal.

Sharing Options

  1. Direct Link: Copy the provided link and paste it into a browser. This link opens your bot’s dialog box on a standalone page, ready for engagement without installation.

  2. Chatbot ID for Integration: Use the Chatbot ID for integrating with third-party tools like Leadbubble. When setting up a Leadbubble video widget, select the AskSpot channel, paste the Chatbot ID, and save it. This integrates your bot into the widget.

  3. Embed Chat Widget: Copy the widget code and add it to a single webpage or the entire website’s body. This makes the chatbot appear on every page.

  4. Embed Code for Dialog Box: Use the embed code to integrate the dialog box into any website. This is useful for white labeling, as it allows you to embed the chatbot without sharing the AskSpot link.

Additional Resources

For detailed instructions on installing the code on various platforms, refer to the Chatbot Installation available in the AskSpot knowledge base.

By following these steps, you can easily share and integrate your AskSpotBot across different platforms and websites.

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