How to Use Chats

In this guide, we'll walk you through the features available in the Chats section, helping you effectively monitor and manage your chatbot's interactions.

Filtering and Sorting Chats

  1. Filtering Chats

    • In the Chats section, you can filter chats by date and time, either in descending or ascending order. This allows you to see the latest chats first or start with the oldest ones.

    • Additionally, you can filter by username in ascending or descending order.

    • You can also filter chats by their read status, viewing either unread or read chats.

  2. Using the Search Bar

    • Utilize the search bar to quickly find specific chats by entering keywords related to the conversation.

  3. Marking Chats as Read

    • To mark all chats as read, click on the "Mark all chat as read" option. This indicates that you have reviewed all the chats listed.

Viewing and Managing Conversations

  1. Viewing Conversations

    • Click on a chat to view the entire conversation. This will display the interaction between the user and the chatbot.

  2. Adding Q&A

    • If you find a specific response from the bot that you want to improve, you can add that question as a Q&A. This allows you to provide your own answer to the question and enhance the chatbot's knowledge base.

Downloading and Sending Chats

  1. Downloading Chats

    • Select a chat and download it as a CSV file. This is useful for keeping records of your chatbot interactions.

    • You can also select multiple chats and bulk download them as a CSV file.

  2. Sending Chats to Webhooks

    • Send chat data to a webhook for further processing. For example, if you have Zapier automation set up, you can send the chats to Zapier for additional actions.

    • Use the option "Send data to webhook" to integrate with selected automation tools.

Chat Settings

  1. Sharing Chats

    • You can share chats with or without a password. Copy the chat page link and share it with clients or team members.

    • When shared without a password, the recipient can view and filter chats but cannot download them.

    • If shared with a password, the recipient will need to enter the passcode to access the chat page. This provides an additional layer of security.

  2. Adding Q&A with Shared Access

    • Recipients with access to the shared chat page (with a password) can add questions as Q&A to the chatbot's knowledge base.

Chat Automation

  1. Enabling Webhook Integration

    • To start receiving chats in your webhooks, enable the webhook integration feature by checking the box in the Chat Automation section.

    • Search and select the integrated webhook URL where you want to receive the chat data.

  2. Setting Inactivity Time

    • Set the inactivity time in minutes, which is the duration of user inactivity after which the chat will be sent to your webhook URL. You can choose a time between 5 to 60 minutes.

    • For example, setting it to 5 minutes means that if a user is inactive for 5 minutes, the chat will be automatically sent to the webhook.

  3. Testing Webhook Integration

    • Click on "Send test sample data to the integration" to ensure that the webhook is correctly set up and receiving data as expected.

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