All Categories Getting Started With AskSpot How To Fine Tune Your Bot Via chat log Q&A's

How To Fine Tune Your Bot Via chat log Q&A's

In this guide, we'll show you how to fine-tune your AskSpot bot by reviewing and adjusting responses from chat logs.

Sharing Chat Logs

  1. Enable Chat Log Sharing:

    • Go to Chat Settings.

    • Toggle on the option to create a chat log share page.

    • Note: This feature requires password protection.

  2. Accessing the Shared Page:

    • Copy the shared page link.

    • Provide the password to your client or team member.

Fine-Tuning Q&A Responses

  1. Review Chat Logs:

    • Clients or team members can access the chat logs outside the AskSpot platform.

  2. Identify and Edit Responses:

    • Filter through the chat logs to find responses that need correction.

    • Click "Add Q&A" to input the correct answer or preferred response.

  3. Save Changes:

    • Adjusted Q&A entries are saved to improve future bot responses.

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