All Categories Getting Started With AskSpot How To Enable AI To Suggest Questions

How To Enable AI To Suggest Questions

In this guide, we'll show you how to enable AI-suggested questions for your AskSpot bot, enhancing its ability to suggest relevant questions to users.

Enabling AI-Suggested Questions

  1. Navigate to Settings:

    • Go to your bot's settings page.

  2. Access AI Configuration:

    • Click on the AI Configuration tab.

    • Check the option to enable AI-suggested questions.

  3. Save Changes:

    • Save the settings to activate the feature.

Customizing AI-Suggested Questions

  1. Add Keywords:

    • You can add specific keywords to influence the types of questions the AI will suggest.

  2. Experiment with Keywords:

    • Try different keywords to see how they affect the suggested questions.

    • Adjust keywords to better align with your bot’s knowledge and user interactions.

  3. Persistent Keyword Suggestions (Optional):

    • Enable persistent keyword suggestions if you want the AI to continue suggesting questions related to the keywords throughout the conversation.

Testing and Optimization

  1. Test the Feature:

    • Interact with your bot to see the AI-suggested questions in action.

    • Make adjustments based on the relevance and usefulness of the suggestions.

  2. Optimize for Use Cases:

    • Experiment with different scenarios to ensure the feature enhances user engagement effectively.

This feature allows your AskSpot bot to provide more relevant and dynamic interactions, improving the overall user experience.

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