All Categories Quick Tips Quick Tip: How to customize the horizontal & vertical offset for your chat widget

Quick Tip: How to customize the horizontal & vertical offset for your chat widget

Learn how to adjust the horizontal and vertical offsets of your chat widget for an ideal placement on your website. Watch this quick tutorial for step-by-step guidance.

Step-by-Step Guide

Accessing Customization Settings

  1. Log in to AskSpot: Start by logging in to your AskSpot account.

  2. Navigate to Bot Setup: Go to the bot setup page for the chatbot you want to adjust.

  3. Go to Settings: Click on the Settings tab.

  4. Select Customization: In the settings menu, select Customization.

Adjusting the Chat Widget Placement

  1. Horizontal and Vertical Offset Sliders:

    • In the customization section, you will see two sliders labeled Horizontal Offset and Vertical Offset.

    • These sliders allow you to adjust the position of the chat widget on your website.

  2. Adjusting the Horizontal Offset:

    • Move the horizontal offset slider to change the widget's position from left to right.

    • Example: Set the horizontal offset to 75 and click Save. This will move the chat widget horizontally on the page.

  3. Adjusting the Vertical Offset:

    • Move the vertical offset slider to change the widget's position from top to bottom.

    • Example: Set the vertical offset to 75 and click Save. This will move the chat widget vertically on the page.

Fine-Tuning the Position

  • Preview Changes: After adjusting the sliders and saving the changes, preview your website to see the new position of the chat widget.

  • Make Further Adjustments: If needed, go back to the customization settings and fine-tune the horizontal and vertical offsets until the widget is perfectly positioned.

Adjusting the placement of your AskSpot chat widget is easy and helps ensure it fits seamlessly with your website's layout. By using the horizontal and vertical offset sliders, you can customize the widget's position to suit your site's unique design. Enjoy tweaking your chat widget for the perfect fit!

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