All Categories Quick Tips Quick Tip: How to adjust the size of your chat widget

Quick Tip: How to adjust the size of your chat widget

Learn how to easily customize and adjust the size of your chat widget to fit seamlessly into your website's design.

Steps to Change the Chat Widget Size

  1. Navigate to the Chatbot Setup Page

    • Start by going to your chatbot setup page in AskSpot.

  2. Go to Settings

    • From the setup page, click on the "Settings" tab.

  3. Select Customization

    • Within the settings menu, choose "Customization."

  4. Adjust Chatbot Size

    • In the customization section, you'll see an option for "Chat Bot Size."

    • By default, it might be set to "Small," but you can change the size to "Medium" or "Large" based on your preference.

Considerations for Choosing the Widget Size

  • Website Design:

    • The size you choose can depend on your website's design and layout. A smaller widget might be less obtrusive on a busy page, while a larger widget could be more noticeable and engaging on a simpler page.

  • User Experience:

    • Consider how the widget size affects the user experience. A larger widget might be easier for users to interact with, especially on mobile devices.

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