All Categories Quick Tips Quick Tip: How To Create a Fully Functioning Demo Bot iFrame overlay

Quick Tip: How To Create a Fully Functioning Demo Bot iFrame overlay

Learn how to create a fully functioning demo bot using an iFrame overlay to seamlessly integrate and showcase your chatbot on any website.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Demo Bot

  1. Navigate to the Share Tab

    • On your bot setup page, go to the "Share" tab.

  2. Access the Demo Tab

    • Once you're on the "Share" tab, click on the "Demo" tab in the submenu.

  3. Create the Demo Link

    • This is where you can create a demo for a local business or an existing client. For example, if you have a bot built for a local brewery, you might want to show them what the bot will look like on their website.

    • Grab the URL of the business's website.

    • Go back to AskSpot, paste the URL, and click "Create Link."

  4. View and Customize the Demo

    • After creating the link, you'll have the option to view the demo.

    • You can also change the website URL if needed.

    • Note: If you have connected your custom domain inside your settings, these demo links will load on your custom domain, which is an important detail.

  5. Preview the Demo

    • Click "View Demo" to see your AskSpot bot overlaid on the client's website. It will look like the bot is actually on their site, but it’s just using a trick called iframing.

    • Share the demo URL with your prospective client, and they will see a page that looks like their website with the chatbot widget in the bottom corner.

Important Considerations

  • Compatibility with Websites

    • Some websites do not allow iframing. Platforms like Duda, for instance, do not support iframing over their websites.

    • Before creating a demo, you can test whether iframing will work using a tool called IFrameTester. Simply enter the website URL and click "Render IFrame." If the website appears in the box, you’re good to go. If not, the website does not allow iframing.

  • Save Time and Effort

    • Make sure to test the website first to avoid spending time on creating a demo that won’t work due to iframing restrictions.

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