All Categories Quick Tips Quick Tip: How To Get Your Bot To Reply In Table Format

Quick Tip: How To Get Your Bot To Reply In Table Format

How to format your chatbot's replies as tables for clearer and more organized information display? Check out this quick guide.

Why Use Table Format?

When your bot is programmed to display a long list of items, such as features or options, the information can become hard to read if presented in a simple list. Using a table format helps organize the data, making it more accessible and visually appealing for users.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Access the System Prompt

  1. Log in to AskSpot: Ensure you're logged into your AskSpot account.

  2. Navigate to Your Bot: Go to the bot setup page for the bot you want to modify.

  3. Go to Settings: Click on the Settings tab.

  4. Select AI Configuration: Find and click on the AI Configuration option.

Step 2: Modify the System Prompt

  1. Edit the System Prompt:

  • Add the following line to your system prompt:

  • If your response is a list of items, give your answer in table format.

  1. Save Changes: Click Save to apply the changes.

Step 3: Test the Table Format

  1. Ask a Question: On your website or in the AskSpot interface, ask the bot a question that generates a list response, such as "What are all of your features?"

  2. View the Response: The bot should now reply in a table format, making the list easier to read and more organized.


Before the modification, if you asked the bot "What are all of your features?" it would reply with a simple list, which could be hard to read if the list is long.

After adding the line to the system prompt, asking the same question will result in a neatly organized table format, like this:



Feature 1

Description of feature 1

Feature 2

Description of feature 2

Feature 3

Description of feature 3


By adding a simple line to your system prompt, you can significantly improve the readability and organization of your bot's responses. This quick tip makes your AskSpot bot more user-friendly and effective in presenting information.

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