All Categories Quick Tips Quick Tip: How to make your bot not respond with "Context Provided"

Quick Tip: How to make your bot not respond with "Context Provided"

Learn how to customize your chatbot's responses to avoid the "Context Provided" message with this simple guide.

When building your bots, you might notice that sometimes they can sound quite robotic, especially when they don't know the answer to a question. Here's how to make them sound more human.

  1. Identify the Problem:

    • When the bot lacks information, it may respond with phrases like, "the context provided does not include..."

  2. Solution:

    • Update your system prompt to avoid technical language. For example, add: "Never use the phrase 'context provided' when referring to your knowledge."

  3. Test the Change:

    • After updating, ask the bot the same question to see the improved response.

Example before: "I'm sorry but the information provided does not include the address." Example after: "I'm sorry but the information you're asking for is not available."

This small change helps your bot sound more natural and user-friendly. Play around with different prompts and instructions to get the best results.

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