All Categories Chat Bot Installation How to Add AskSpot to Your iOS or Android Mobile App

How to Add AskSpot to Your iOS or Android Mobile App

Integrating AskSpot into your mobile iOS or Android app is a straightforward process. Here's how you can add your custom AskSpot chatbot to a mobile app.

In the AskSpot Dashboard

  1. Select Your Chatbot: Go to your AskSpot dashboard and choose your chatbot from the dropdown menu.

  2. Install Chatbot: Click on the CODE section in the top menu of your bot setup page

  3. Copy Link: In the Link section, click on the Copy link button to copy your chatbot URL.

In Your Mobile App Code

The installation of the AskSpot chatbot in your mobile app will depend on the platform and framework you are using. Here are general instructions for the most popular solutions:


  • Use the WebView widget to embed a webpage within your Android app.

  • Load the AskSpot URL into the WebView by calling the loadUrl() method on a WebView instance.

  • Ensure you have the INTERNET permission in your Android Manifest.


  • Use the WKWebView class from the WebKit framework to embed web content in your iOS application.

  • Initialize a WKWebView object, set its frame, and load a URLRequest with the AskSpot URL.

React Native

  • Utilize the react-native-webview package to add web views in your React Native apps.

  • Import the WebView component from the package and load the AskSpot URL by setting the source prop.


  • In Flutter, use the webview_flutter package for embedding web content.

  • Import the package and use the WebView widget, setting the initialUrl property to the AskSpot URL.


  • For Ionic apps, use the Ionic Native InAppBrowser plugin or the iframe HTML element for simple cases.

  • Import the plugin and call the create() method to launch the AskSpot URL in an in-app browser window.

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