All Categories Chat Bot Installation How to Add AskSpot to Your Wix Website

How to Add AskSpot to Your Wix Website

How to Add AskSpot to Your Wix Website

Adding AskSpot to your Wix website is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to integrate your custom AskSpot chatbot into your Wix site.

In the AskSpot Dashboard

  1. Select Your Chatbot: Navigate to your AskSpot dashboard and select your chatbot.

  2. Install Chatbot: Click on the CODE section in the top menu of your bot setup page

  3. Copy Code: Press the Copy code button to copy the AskSpot code snippet.

In Wix

  1. Access Settings: Go to Settings in your Wix site's dashboard.

  2. Custom Code Tab: Click on the Custom Code tab in the Advanced section.

  3. Add Custom Code: Click + Add Custom Code at the top right.

  4. Paste the AskSpot Code: Paste your AskSpot chatbot code snippet into the text box.

  5. Name Your Code: Enter a name for your code for easy identification later.

  6. Choose Code Placement:

    • All pages: Adds the chatbot to all pages of your site, including future pages.

    • Choose specific pages: Use the dropdown menu to add the chatbot only to specific pages.

  7. Select Code Location: Choose Head in the Place Code in picker.

  8. Apply Changes: Click Apply to finalize the integration.

By following these steps, your Wix website will now feature the interactive and engaging AskSpot chatbot, enhancing the user experience for your visitors.

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