All Categories Getting Started With AskSpot Understanding Costs of Different AI Models

Understanding Costs of Different AI Models

Welcome, AskSpot users! As you embark on the exciting journey of creating custom AI bots for your business, a key question you might have is about the costs involved. You already know the incredible potential of AI chatbots in transforming customer service and assistance. Now, let's demystify the financial aspect.

This guide is designed to clarify how costs are calculated when using OpenAI's API with AskSpot. We'll break down the concept of 'tokens' in a simple way, explain how different choices impact the overall cost, and provide practical insights to help you make informed decisions. Whether you're fine-tuning a bot for detailed customer interactions or setting up a straightforward assistant, understanding these costs is crucial. Let's dive in and explore what it means for your AI bot project in terms of budget and planning.

What is a Token?

Imagine you are writing a letter and each word in your letter is like a small piece of a puzzle. In the world of OpenAI's AI chatbots, each piece of the puzzle is called a 'token'. Tokens can be words, parts of words, or even punctuation marks like a period or a comma.

What Counts as a Token?

Anything that adds to your message counts as a token. This includes:

  • Words: Each word is usually a token.

  • Punctuation: Commas, periods, and question marks are also tokens.

  • Parts of Words: Sometimes a big word is split into smaller pieces, and each piece is a token.

How Costs are Calculated

The cost of using OpenAI's API for your chatbot is like buying tokens at an arcade. The more you play, the more tokens you need. Similarly, the more your chatbot talks or learns, the more tokens it uses. The cost depends on:

  • Number of Tokens: The more tokens your chatbot uses to talk or learn, the more it costs.

  • Choice of AI Model: Different models (like GPT-3 or GPT-4) might have different 'token prices'. Think of it as different arcade games costing different numbers of tokens.

    Current Model Costs

Example: Your Business AI Bot

Let's say you have a bot on your business website. This bot uses OpenAI's API to chat with customers and answer their questions.

  • Base Prompt: This is like the bot's starting sentence. If it's a long sentence, it uses more tokens.

  • Context Sources: If your bot reads from manuals or FAQs to learn answers, it's using tokens to read and understand these.

  • AI Model Choice: If you choose a more advanced model, it might be more expensive, like a fancier arcade game.

Breaking Down Variables

  • Length of Conversations: Longer chats mean more tokens.

  • Complexity of Questions: Complicated questions might need more tokens to answer.

  • Frequency of Use: If your bot talks to many customers all day, it uses more tokens.

Keeping Costs Down

  • Use Shorter Prompts: Start with simple sentences.

  • Limit Learning Material: Only give your bot necessary information to learn from.

  • Choose the Right Model: If your bot answers simple questions, you might not need the most advanced model.


Using OpenAI's API for your chatbot is like having a conversation where each piece of the chat is a token. The cost depends on how much your bot talks and learns, and which model you use. Think of it as an arcade where different games (models) and playtime (token usage) cost differently. Keep it simple, and you can manage the costs effectively.

Here is a great video that does a nice job of breaking down costs associated with using the OpenAI API and different AI Models.

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